Restore SingleDB on 122.08 to Multi Tenant DB on HANA 2.0 SPS01 by Nicholas Chang 

Just tested recover a single Database to Multi Tenant Database without the need to convert them to MDC beforehand with below scenario and thought it is a good idea to share.
This enhancement only work on target >= HANA 2.0 SPS01 and is particularly useful where it keeps your source/ productive database intact and allows you to to perform a series of testing before converting them to MDC, especially if you plan to upgrade to HANA 2.0 SPS01 since MDC would be the standard and only operation mode.
HANA revision: 122.08 (HANA Platform Ed 1.0)
Mode: SingleDB

HANA Revision: 2.00.010 (HANA 2.0 SPS01)
Mode: MultiDB (MDC)

Restore the backup taken from NC2 (singleDB) to tenant NC2_MULTIDB@NC1
i. Backup source singleDB NC2 on HANA platform Ed 1 – SPS122.08
3 HANA services were backup.
ii. Once backup completed, in HANA 2.0 SPS01, you can either restore the backup taken directly to the available tenant or to a newly created tenant.
In below, the singleDB will restore to tenant NC2_MULTIDB on NC1 on HANA 2.0 SPS01
Restore using the backup taken on SingleDB on SPS122.08
If you noticed, only 2 services – indexserver and xsengine were restored. 
iii. Once recovery completed, you’ll need to re-enter the NC2 SYSTEM user password into tenant NC2_MULTIDB@NC1 in HANA Studio as source password was overwritten from restore.
And now your singleDB is restored to a tenant in MDC without the need to convert them to MDC beforehand.

I’ve tested and it works perfectly on source revision 122.07 and 122.08 and assume it should work on SPS12. For revision <=SPS11, further testing will be needed.


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